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GOLF WANG, an apparel brand by Tyler the Creator

This apparel brand is created by Tyler the Creator, a rapper and creator from Ladera Heights, California, and the founder and leader of Odd Future. The brand name, GOLF WANG, is a change of W and G of WOLF GANG. The brand also offers GOLF le FLEUR*, a line of footwear, fragrances, manicures, and other products. In addition to collaborations with apparel brands such as Converse, the brand has also developed original flavored products in collaboration with Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams, an ice cream maker from Ohio, U.S.A. The brand is full of Tyler the Creator's creativity and playfulness, including the development of original flavored products.

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Stockholm-based creative brand Acne Studios

An apparel brand from Stockholm, Sweden. The jeans created by creative director Jonny Johansson, who is not a fashion designer, were highly evaluated and "Acne Jeans" was launched in 1988. The brand has since grown to include men's and women's apparel and accessories, and has become the current Acne Studios. Unlike other brands, Acne Studios has built a solid position by taking a different approach from other brands, such as art, design, and publishing, as a brand by a creative group. The lineup is rich in individuality, from iconic staples such as jeans and the Face series to artistic products created around a seasonal theme.

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